Want to earn a AWESOME prize?
You can join in on the fundraising efforts by registering for the Stride for Foster Care Walk and ask your friends and family for their financial support. Your fundraising efforts will help support Iowa’s children in foster care. For the 2012 walk, the money you raise will qualify you for one of the five levels. IFAPA will keep you updated via email with your fundraising progress from online donations. IFAPA will contact you the week before the walk to find out if you would like the prize or the gift card, for the level you reached. If you are a virtual walker or if you cannot attend the walk, please let Stephanie know. Those individuals who earn a prize will automatically get the gift card for the level they have reached.
If you are fundraising offline, please contact Stephanie at 1-800-277-8145 ext 1 or smiles@ifapa.org by Monday April 30th to let us know how much you have raised, so we know what prize level you are at. You can also drop off your donations at the IFAPA office prior to the walk.
Check out what prize you could win!