With our Join Me Program, you can raise money for your personal goal.

You can:
* Personalize and manage your own fundraising page
* Insert your own story if you choose
* Set your personal fundraising goal
* Send thank you letters to your contributors
* Share your progress with your contributors
* Update your page with offline donations

You can also:
* Import email addresses
* Ask for and advertise sponsorships
* Post your progress on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites

Check out the great prizes that you can win!!!

Once you have registered for the walk you can create your very own Stride for Foster Care fundraising page, a Join Me Account, and ask family and friends for online pledges. Here is how to begin:

1. Click on "click here to join" (listed below)
2. Click on create a new account
3. You will need to create a user name and password
4. Fill out all required information and then submit
5. You will receive a "join me registration" email
6. Click on the the link in the email to complete your registration
7. Log back in and check, "create a new personal fundraising page"
8. Now you can begin fundraising & earn a
fabulous prize

Please contact IFAPA by April 25th with how much money you have raised, so prizes can be calculated. IFAPA will contact you on April 27th with what prize level you are at. If you cannot attend the walk you will automatically be given the gift card for the prize level you achieved, as other items will not be mailed.

Click here to join!


2012 Stride for Foster Care Sponsors