Teams consist of 4 or more people.
Each Team Captain, must create their team page through our Join Me Program, prior to other team members joining the team page.

 With the Join Me Program you can:
  • Personalize and manage your own fundraising page
  • Insert your own story on why you're fundraising
  • Set your personal fundraising goal
  • Send thank you letters to your contributors
  • Share your progress with your contributors
  • Update your page with offline donations
  • Import email addresses
  • Post your progress on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites

How to create your team Join Me Account or log into your previous account (make sure to read all steps prior to beginning):
For New Accounts
1. Click join me to begin creating your teams fundraising page
2. Click on create a new account
3. Create your user name and password - click OK
4. Fill out all the required fields - click OK
5. Check your email for your "Join Me Registration" email
6. Click on the link in your email to complete your registration
7. Click - log in
8. Save the web address to your favorites for access in the future
9. Log in with your user name and password
10. Make sure it says at the top Project: 2013 Stride for Kids 5K Run/Walk and Fundraising Group/Cause: Team Fundraising, then click on Yes, create a new fundraising page
11. Click on View Your Team's page
12. Click on Join as a Member
13. Log back in with your user name and password and click on Yes, Join This Team (make sure the Team Name you are wanting to join is listed)
For Team Accounts From Last Year:
1. Click on join me  to log in with your user name and password
2. Make sure at the top is says Project: 2013 Stride for Kids 5K Run/Walk and Fundraising Group/Cause: Team Fundraising. Then enter your Team Name and click on Yes, Create a new fundraising page.
3. Click on View Your Team's page

4. Click on Join as a Member
5. Log back in with your user name and password and click on Yes, Join This Team (make sure the Team Name you are wanting to join is listed) 

Once you have completed all steps you can begin to edit your teams fundraising page with a team photo or team story, and start recruiting team members. Make sure that each team member registers prior to joining your team.
Here are the steps to join a team (please all steps prior to beginning)
1. Register for the walk (make sure they know the Team Name)
2. Visit the fundraising directory
3. Click on your Team Name
4. Click - Join as Member
5. Create a user name and password (or log in with your last year's user name and password, but make sure it says 2013 Stride for Kids 5K Run/Walk at the top of the page)
6. If creating a new account, enter all required information - click OK
7. Check your email for your "Join Me Registration" email
8. Click on the link in the email to complete your registration
9. Log in with your user name and password
10. Click, Yes Join This Team (make sure the Team Name you are wanting to join is listed)

Once you have completed all the steps, you will be a member of the team you selected.

Individuals on each team can earn prizes as well. If individuals have raised money outside of the online donations please contact Stephanie by April 17th with how much you have raised, so your prize level can be calculated. IFAPA will contact all individuals on April 19th with what prize level they are at. Please contact Stephanie by April 22nd with what prize you want. For those that are unable to attend the event, they will automatically be given the gift card, as other prizes will not be mailed. Questions contact Stephanie

2013 Stride for Kids 5K Sponsors

  • ABWA
  • Ankeny Sanitation
  • Bev and Glen Smith
  • Cline Tool & Service Co.
  • Community First Bank
  • HyVee
  • Insight Opportunity Passport Youth Leadership Board
  • Lynhon & Dave Stout
  • Vermeer Charitable Foundation, Inc .
  • World of Wheels
  • Xerox Corporation