The Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association (IFAPA) empowers, supports and advocates for foster, adoptive and kinship families across Iowa. One of the programs operated by IFAPA is the Friends of Children in Foster Care program. The Friends Program was established in 1991 to provide funding for items that benefit children in foster care but are not covered by the state’s foster care or medical programs. We believe that each child in foster care should have the same opportunities as other children. That includes participating in activities such as:
- Sports
- Swimming lessons
- Tae Kwon Do
- Gymnastics
- Dance
- Summer camp
- Music lessons (instruments)
- Attending prom
- Attending senior or class trip
- Having senior pictures taken
- Attaining graduation items (cap & gown / announcements)
- Paying for college application fees
All of the funding for the Friends of Children in Foster Care program comes from community grants, fundraisers and personal contributions. Due to limited funds, IFAPA was only able to offer assistance to 4% of the kids in foster care in 2012.
With the limited financial reimbursement the families receive to support all their needs, foster families need help in providing these extras or “normal” activities for the children. We hope these experiences will enrich their lives because every child in foster care should have the opportunity to create positive childhood memories. Thank you for supporting a cause I care so much about!