The Buddy Squad
It's time for the annual "Stride for Kids 5k Run/Walk"! The family and friends that joined me last year had so much fun with this fundraiser we've decided to go again! This year marks IFAPA's 40th Anniversary. And we are going in with the hopes of beating our team donation from last year. So we are asking our friends and family for their help and spread the word for this great non-profit organization that has only the best interest of the children in mind.
The Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association (IFAPA) empowers, supports and advocates for foster, adoptive and kinship families across Iowa. One of the programs operated by IFAPA is the Friends of Children in Foster Care program. This program provides Iowa foster children with the funds they need for the special "extras" in life which they would otherwise not recieve. Some of these kinds of things may include sporting activities/equipment, swimming lessons, summer camps, senior pictures, graduation expenses and college application fees to name a few. All of the funding for this program comes from communtiy grants and personal contributions.
We need YOUR help!